Tuesday, May 1, 2007

When tornadoes never come and you still have to do schoolwork

Amidst a week of massive amounts of work, I'm beginning to think about the summer more and more. This blog has definitely helped with that, as I'm trying to gather my thoughts and think about this day...

After a late night last night, I woke up late for chapel, and I was strangely at peace about it. Instead of running around the room like a crazy man, I just got dressed and went over--for me, totally out of character. There is a ton of stuff going on right now, and for some reason, I'm not flipping out about it. What's even crazier is that all of the work is getting done. A laid back attitude and being on top of everything usually don't go hand and hand in my life, but right now they are. I hope it's a change that stays.

I had an awesome conversation and a reminder today about God's provision. A friend at school has recently felt God leading her to go to Malawi, Africa for the summer--and when I say recently I mean in the last 4 days. In that time since she's said yes to Christ in going to Africa, she has seen God raise more than half of her support! It really blew me away, thinking about how much I doubt God and how little I trust that he will provide. Daily we go through life asking God for answers to tests or other menial things; little do we realize that we serve an enormous God, mighty in power, faithful to save. He will provide for our every need if we would only put our trust in Him.

I'm learning to trust. Little by little, I'm realizing I don't have control over my life, especially when I've given my life to Christ. I don't have all the answers, I don't know what the future holds, and I definitely don't know where I'll be in five years--and little by little, I'm getting ok with that. It's nice to know I'm in good hands; in all cases, I only see good things when Christ is leading. A lot's going through my mind even right now, but there's clarity in it: "Ask and you will recieve; seek and you'll find; knock and the door will be opened." Lord, I'm asking to see your face, I'm seeking to find you. Show me your face, and the rest will fall into place.

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