Saturday, May 26, 2007

Update in 5 minutes or less...


It has been a busy two days, but God is good. Time is limited, so I'd like to share one thing:

I've been hit constantly over the last few hours with God's grace and the fact that this grace and mercy is not based upon my own righteousness. I think of the passage but according to his mercy he saved us, through the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit>. This grace is imparted to us, not because of our good works or our own deserving of it, but because of Christ's grace and mercy. What an awesome testament it is to the greatness of God, that he works in spite of our weaknesses and imperfections and chooses to still include us in his plans.

Please pray for me today as I meet with the youth (20-35 year olds) today for the first time. Pray that I will walk in confidence and selflessness and humility as I meet people who may need a lot of encouragement. Pray also that I will make friends even today. God's mercy is abundant, and his grace is enough.


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