Monday, May 21, 2007

24 hours and counting...

5 days goes by incredibly fast.

These last five days have been a whirlwind of activity, and it's crazy to think that I'll be (God willing) on a plane in 24 hours leaving the country. Everything has come--and is coming--together in a matter of hours. From the final parts of my finances for the trip, to the preparation of my heart, God has provided everything I need right on time. I know he will continue to provide as the summer continues.

There is a real excitement in my heart that I haven't felt for a while, and it's a passion for the people of Europe. Every time I head back to this continent, I'm reminded of the fact that God has me there for a reason, and it's to share the reality of Christ with continent that denies his existence. It gets me excited every time I think about it, and even now, it's clear to me that I'm right where I need to be. I think about how just 4 months ago I was set on going to India, that I wouldn't have it any other way, and that God totally changed my plans in a matter of weeks. It's humbling and awesome to think that God directs the paths of men's hearts, that He is the one who will lead me right to where He wants me, and that He will continue to provide the entire way. I'm profoundly amazed.

I'm also amazed at what God is doing here at home. I left Italy last time with an awakened awareness of the reality of the Holy Spirit; I'm returning with a renewed awareness of this. At church this Sunday, I saw the largest outcry for the reality of Christ I think I've ever seen in the United States, as I saw 40 people in a church of less than 200 come forward to recieve the Holy Spirit; the week before, 80 people had come forward and the results were huge; a quiet hungering, longing for more of Jesus Christ is evident in this church. There wasn't any "glory cloud;" there wasn't fire above people's heads; but there is a body of believers who are collectively seeking and longing for the fullness of Christ, and the power of Jesus Christ in this will move mountains.

To think this is happening in an area of the country where so many are held down by brokenness, oppression, and bitterness gets me excited. God is raising up a people who no longer look to themselves for their strength, but instead look to Him for all of who He is, and there they will find healing. Man, I'm stoked.

I leave for Italy tomorrow thankful and expectant. There seems to be so much more purpose in this trip as opposed to two years ago. I think about what God did then and I can only begin to imagine what is in store now. Please pray that I do not waste a moment. Pray for opportunities to listen, share, lead, and serve. God is so good.



Andrea said...

Hey Brian,

Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and I put your blog link in my blog.


ICO Belize 2008 said...

Hey Brian!!!
I hope you had safe travels. I will be keeping every one of you in my prayers this summer and can't wait to hear all about it this fall. I know God has amazing plans for all the Red Boxers (including me as I go through a little bit different of an adventure than originally planned at home!) Take care and God bless! ~Carli

Telmarine said...

I have found you Brian. Now you can run, but you can't hide your blog posts.

Enjoy Italian food. I know I would.
