Friday, May 11, 2007

redemption skies on the horizon and a consistent blog posting streak beginning TODAY!

With two finals down, REDEMPTIONSKIES on the way within the week, and leaving for Italy within two weeks, I'm feeling excited and at peace.

I had a conversation with Tim today about the massive amount of stuff that has had to get done in the last two months, and how God has totally provided for all of it. Now I'm seeing an end to the craziness and I'm ok with that. There's a peace in the arms of God no matter what circumstance you're in, and that's something you can trust on. I got in the Word yesterday night after a day without it, and it was good...

Yesterday I started the day without my QT, which was a bad idea in the truest sense of the words. It's amazing how you can think you're doing alright, get disconnected from the source, and that's right when the Enemy strikes. That was exactly what happened yesterday. Around noon, I started to get hit with accusation, doubt, dismay, and at times even paranoia. It was really weird, and I wasn't sure where it was coming from. It got so intense that I actually started to believe some of the lies and--thanks to the time NOT in the word--I had little to say against it.

This kept on until yesterday evening, when God rescued me with His love. I hadn't been in the Word yet, but I just put down my work and started to tell God how much I love Him. It was a really intimate time (and it was funny becuase I was sitting in a computer lab with people working intensely all around me). It was encountering the LORD and Him administering his peace to me. When I got back to the room, I got on my knees and it was like a wave of petition came from my mouth. I don't know if you've ever experienced that, where God's presence just floods you and all you can do is to cry out to Him. That's exactly what happened last night, and I was probably the most honest I've been before God in a while. I left that time knowing that there was more to the events of that day than just met the eye and that I had everything I needed to win in the power of Jesus Christ. Thanks, God.

In these final days here at Grove City and in the States before I leave for the summer, my prayer is that I would take time like Daniel did and seek the LORD. The summer will undoubtedly hold its own challenges and joys, but right now, my prayer is to find God in His sanctuary and rejoice in Him. Please pray that I am drawn into His presence in these next days and that I use the lull in finals week well. Also, pray for the guys on my hall, that Tim and I would not quit but that we would continue to serve and love them to the very end. It's been a good day, and God's grace is sufficient. God's way is always best.

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