Thursday, May 31, 2007

I had an accident.

God is so good, and it is great to be working for the Lord here in Italy! Yesterday morning, I was riding my bicycle to work when a car pulled out and side-ended me. It smashed the front of my bike and I went over the handle bars, but I was totally ok. The bike's front, however, was busted pretty bad. Through the whole situation, though--from when the woman got out of the car to when I arrived at the bookstore to tell them what happened--God totally gave me peace. I was even joyful as the whole situation happened.

Earlier that morning, I was reading in Psalm 39, where David prays:

LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be.
Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is
fleeing away.
My life is no longer than the width of my hand. An entire
lifetime is just a moment to you: human existence is but
A breath. selah

We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends
in nothing.
We heap up wealth for someone else to spend.

This is a passage with profound meaning, and I think it is appropriate given the circumstances of the day. So often we walk through life assuming that our days will go as planned, that we will accomplish everything we set out to do, etc. I think many days, if not almost all days, all of us see the day as our own and in our own hands. I assume that my life will continue on and that I won't have to worry about it ending for about 60 years. Yesterday really convicted me of the fact that I must live each day in light of the fact that this world is only a breath, that my life is not my own, that I must live for Christ every day, prepared to see my Lord's face.

And so, Lord, where do I put my hope?
My only hope is in you.

God, let that be always the case, that I trust in you at all times and put no confidence in any other name.


Monday, May 28, 2007

Spreadsheets and Proscutto Pizza

It's great to get to work! Today was my first day that I really got into what I'll be doing this summer. I'm working on a database which will allow the bookstore and publishing house here to function more efficiently. The two guys I am working with have such a heart for the people in a way that I have never really seen before. It is truly an honest genuine heart and it's super encouraging. This project has a ton of potential: the database, which will compile a list of the purchasers of the calendars, will begin a list of churches, individuals, and business contacts; this list has huge potential in uniting the churches in Italy, a church that is divided along many lines. Please pray that this database will be effective and open to many. I dont have much time, as I am leaving. Thanks for your prayers, and God bless!


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Update in 5 minutes or less...


It has been a busy two days, but God is good. Time is limited, so I'd like to share one thing:

I've been hit constantly over the last few hours with God's grace and the fact that this grace and mercy is not based upon my own righteousness. I think of the passage but according to his mercy he saved us, through the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit>. This grace is imparted to us, not because of our good works or our own deserving of it, but because of Christ's grace and mercy. What an awesome testament it is to the greatness of God, that he works in spite of our weaknesses and imperfections and chooses to still include us in his plans.

Please pray for me today as I meet with the youth (20-35 year olds) today for the first time. Pray that I will walk in confidence and selflessness and humility as I meet people who may need a lot of encouragement. Pray also that I will make friends even today. God's mercy is abundant, and his grace is enough.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

I am here

After 23 hours of flying time, I have made it safetly to Italy, and by God's grace. Yesterday was a day to see God's provision, as each of my flights arrived late and each following flight departed late. I am amazed at how gracious God is.

I am renting a room from an Italian woman who does not know Jesus Christ. Last night, we were looking at her artwork (She is a modern artist) and I saw a lot of hurt and hopelessness. Each piece has the same representation of man (if you can visualize it, its like a steel bar cut on a diagonal, looking king of like a T and a face) and while each man is an individual, each one is lost as well. Even last night, we had some great talks, and I am thankful for the chance to be staying at her house and representing Christ.

Being back in Italy, I am reminded of the pervasive feeling of lostness and hopelessness inherent in Europe. Particularly in Italy, there is the sense of mistrust among many people I meet, that nothing is ever sound outside of the normal, that nothing is safe beyond familiar. I see this countered by the missionaries on this team. In their interactions with people, they carry a light that I have not seen among many missionaries in Italy. They bring a message of hope, whether it is at the cafè or the loading dock, and they shine the light of Christ wherever they go. I have so much to learn here, and I am excited to get going. Today has already started, and we've been moving boxes full of evangelical calendars around. It's a good day, and I'm thankful. Keep praying for hope and victory, that I would rest in Christ and that we would be a light to the people around us. Also, I am the youngest one on the team, but I am told there is a (youth) group, individuals between 20 and 35. Pray that I will make strong contacts there and that I will step out of my comfort zone and be a light. In Christ, we are more than conquerors; I'm holding to that.


Monday, May 21, 2007

24 hours and counting...

5 days goes by incredibly fast.

These last five days have been a whirlwind of activity, and it's crazy to think that I'll be (God willing) on a plane in 24 hours leaving the country. Everything has come--and is coming--together in a matter of hours. From the final parts of my finances for the trip, to the preparation of my heart, God has provided everything I need right on time. I know he will continue to provide as the summer continues.

There is a real excitement in my heart that I haven't felt for a while, and it's a passion for the people of Europe. Every time I head back to this continent, I'm reminded of the fact that God has me there for a reason, and it's to share the reality of Christ with continent that denies his existence. It gets me excited every time I think about it, and even now, it's clear to me that I'm right where I need to be. I think about how just 4 months ago I was set on going to India, that I wouldn't have it any other way, and that God totally changed my plans in a matter of weeks. It's humbling and awesome to think that God directs the paths of men's hearts, that He is the one who will lead me right to where He wants me, and that He will continue to provide the entire way. I'm profoundly amazed.

I'm also amazed at what God is doing here at home. I left Italy last time with an awakened awareness of the reality of the Holy Spirit; I'm returning with a renewed awareness of this. At church this Sunday, I saw the largest outcry for the reality of Christ I think I've ever seen in the United States, as I saw 40 people in a church of less than 200 come forward to recieve the Holy Spirit; the week before, 80 people had come forward and the results were huge; a quiet hungering, longing for more of Jesus Christ is evident in this church. There wasn't any "glory cloud;" there wasn't fire above people's heads; but there is a body of believers who are collectively seeking and longing for the fullness of Christ, and the power of Jesus Christ in this will move mountains.

To think this is happening in an area of the country where so many are held down by brokenness, oppression, and bitterness gets me excited. God is raising up a people who no longer look to themselves for their strength, but instead look to Him for all of who He is, and there they will find healing. Man, I'm stoked.

I leave for Italy tomorrow thankful and expectant. There seems to be so much more purpose in this trip as opposed to two years ago. I think about what God did then and I can only begin to imagine what is in store now. Please pray that I do not waste a moment. Pray for opportunities to listen, share, lead, and serve. God is so good.


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

redemption skies on the horizon and a consistent blog posting streak beginning TODAY!

With two finals down, REDEMPTIONSKIES on the way within the week, and leaving for Italy within two weeks, I'm feeling excited and at peace.

I had a conversation with Tim today about the massive amount of stuff that has had to get done in the last two months, and how God has totally provided for all of it. Now I'm seeing an end to the craziness and I'm ok with that. There's a peace in the arms of God no matter what circumstance you're in, and that's something you can trust on. I got in the Word yesterday night after a day without it, and it was good...

Yesterday I started the day without my QT, which was a bad idea in the truest sense of the words. It's amazing how you can think you're doing alright, get disconnected from the source, and that's right when the Enemy strikes. That was exactly what happened yesterday. Around noon, I started to get hit with accusation, doubt, dismay, and at times even paranoia. It was really weird, and I wasn't sure where it was coming from. It got so intense that I actually started to believe some of the lies and--thanks to the time NOT in the word--I had little to say against it.

This kept on until yesterday evening, when God rescued me with His love. I hadn't been in the Word yet, but I just put down my work and started to tell God how much I love Him. It was a really intimate time (and it was funny becuase I was sitting in a computer lab with people working intensely all around me). It was encountering the LORD and Him administering his peace to me. When I got back to the room, I got on my knees and it was like a wave of petition came from my mouth. I don't know if you've ever experienced that, where God's presence just floods you and all you can do is to cry out to Him. That's exactly what happened last night, and I was probably the most honest I've been before God in a while. I left that time knowing that there was more to the events of that day than just met the eye and that I had everything I needed to win in the power of Jesus Christ. Thanks, God.

In these final days here at Grove City and in the States before I leave for the summer, my prayer is that I would take time like Daniel did and seek the LORD. The summer will undoubtedly hold its own challenges and joys, but right now, my prayer is to find God in His sanctuary and rejoice in Him. Please pray that I am drawn into His presence in these next days and that I use the lull in finals week well. Also, pray for the guys on my hall, that Tim and I would not quit but that we would continue to serve and love them to the very end. It's been a good day, and God's grace is sufficient. God's way is always best.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

When tornadoes never come and you still have to do schoolwork

Amidst a week of massive amounts of work, I'm beginning to think about the summer more and more. This blog has definitely helped with that, as I'm trying to gather my thoughts and think about this day...

After a late night last night, I woke up late for chapel, and I was strangely at peace about it. Instead of running around the room like a crazy man, I just got dressed and went over--for me, totally out of character. There is a ton of stuff going on right now, and for some reason, I'm not flipping out about it. What's even crazier is that all of the work is getting done. A laid back attitude and being on top of everything usually don't go hand and hand in my life, but right now they are. I hope it's a change that stays.

I had an awesome conversation and a reminder today about God's provision. A friend at school has recently felt God leading her to go to Malawi, Africa for the summer--and when I say recently I mean in the last 4 days. In that time since she's said yes to Christ in going to Africa, she has seen God raise more than half of her support! It really blew me away, thinking about how much I doubt God and how little I trust that he will provide. Daily we go through life asking God for answers to tests or other menial things; little do we realize that we serve an enormous God, mighty in power, faithful to save. He will provide for our every need if we would only put our trust in Him.

I'm learning to trust. Little by little, I'm realizing I don't have control over my life, especially when I've given my life to Christ. I don't have all the answers, I don't know what the future holds, and I definitely don't know where I'll be in five years--and little by little, I'm getting ok with that. It's nice to know I'm in good hands; in all cases, I only see good things when Christ is leading. A lot's going through my mind even right now, but there's clarity in it: "Ask and you will recieve; seek and you'll find; knock and the door will be opened." Lord, I'm asking to see your face, I'm seeking to find you. Show me your face, and the rest will fall into place.