Friday, June 8, 2007


Two weeks in and I am finally getting accustomed to life in northern Italy. The days are sort of falling into a routine, and there is plenty to do as far as the work is concerned. Still, it is less of a break-neck pace than college was this past year, and as such, I am enjoying the break.

Work consists of helping out in the bookstore and the publishing house where needed. Right now, as they are trying to get their entire inventory online, every morning is spent scanning in book covers on the computer. The scanning takes some time, and so I have been able to spend a lot of this time in prayer, an activity that I am daily seeing more and more of its necessity. Everything we do needs to be covered in prayer; thinking of some of those who I have met in the last week, those who I have had spiritual conversations with, and others reminds me that I need to be in constant prayer for their souls, that God would continue to show them the bankruptcy of life without Christ and that they would find the meaning of life in Christ alone. The job that I have this summer allows me to put in the time praying for these people, and I am really thankful for that.

As a single guy living alone in a foreign country, there is always the temptation to waste time in the evenings. For the first week or so, I really had no idea what to do with myself, and this allowed for a great deal of boredom. Now, more of my time is spent with friends or groups from the church; the free time that remains, however, is being put to better use as I am seeing the opportunity to study the word and Christian books. Right now I am reading A.W. Tozer and Rick Joyner (an interesting mix) and the books are teaching me a lot. Interestingly, each day I have opportunities to share what I learn through those books and my time in the word. I can see God using this time to develop the necessary discipline in me to really delve into teaching and scripture, and that I need to learn to study both more and more. It is really a good place to be, and I am thankful for it.

As I look at it, life is kind of quiet right now; there are not so many things to do, but I need to be faithful in the tasks that are before me. It's a good change from college life, and I really enjoy it. As quiet as it is, God is really moving: the young guys in the church are growing and I have plenty of opportunities to fellowship with the older members of the church. There is such a heritage of faithfulness in this church, and it's cool to be a part of. Seeing God continuing to draw people to himself is awesome as well, and being a part of it is both humbling and encouraging.

Also encouraging is the vision God is giving me for prayer on campus next year. I will be living in a special room on campus next year, where 6 guys share two bedrooms and a communal room the size of most lounges. As such, it is unique from most upperclassmen dorms at Grove City. Since I've got to Italy, God has been impressing on me to be a man of prayer, and I am seeing that the natural community that will be there next year needs to be channeled into the things of Christ. A daily devotional time led by each of the guys who would attend sounds like the best vehicle for this next year, and I am really getting excited about it. Pray that God begins to give a similar vision to the guys in Alumni dormitory next year and that we would follow through as the school year begins in August. God is good, and it is great to accept the victory he calls us to.


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