Tuesday, June 5, 2007


This second weekend in Italy was busy and good. I've been able to make more contacts with the youth in the church and had plenty of opportunities to cultivate relationships with these guys over the last few days. Much to my suprise, these guys are asking the really deep questions about who God is, how they respond to him, how they can grow deeper into him, and how to take Christ to the world. It is a group of guys between 19 and 32 that are really growing, something that is really awesome to see and to be a part of.

The thing that sticks out to me most from the weekend, however, is the growing friendship God is giving me with a man who has been a missionary here in Italy for over 60 years. I met him for the first time last Sunday, and I had heard people mention his name during much of the week before that. When I met Art Wiens last Sunday, we quickly hit it off, and between other conversations we were both having we got to talk. At 90, this man exudes the presence of the Lord, and from when I first met him I sensed the peace of God in his presence. I am reading his biography right now, which describes missions in Northern Italy since World War II and the fundamental part he and his family played in that.

It is clear to me that God has brought me to this church for many reasons, and one of those is to learn from this man of God however I can. Pray that we would be an encouragement to each other and that in this time I would be in a position to recieve all that God has to give. I am learning a ton here, I just don't want to waste any of it. Life is abundant in the arms of Christ.


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