Tuesday, June 12, 2007

"I'll be Found in You..."

When the world is falling out from under me,
I'll be found in You
still standing.
When the sky roles up and mountains
Fall on their knees--when time and space are
I'll be found in You.

You make all things new.

Brooke Fraser music has been in my head pretty much since before I got to Italy, and only now is it really encouraging my soul. Today has been a day of battle against fear and worry, and it's been tough, but by God's grace I'm still standing in Christ. From time to time I get hit with feelings of worry and doubt about my future and today was one of those days. Worries over things like being single for the rest of my life usually hit every couple of months, and I've actually been at peace in this area almost constantly recently. Today, however, worry and doubt hit hard, and I've had to remember my foundation in Christ.

What a great thing to know we're found in Christ.

Psalm 91 reminds me that "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty." There "no evil will touch you" because we are covered in the blood of Christ. What blessed assurance, to know that he who started the work will finish it and he's going to bring each of us safely to his side.

I'm trusing that he's all I need, and the victory is found in his name alone.


Telmarine said...

Hey Bri -

I can identify with your sentiment. Some things are hard to entrust into Christ' hands, but when we do that is where our joy is found.

"Run the race with perseverance..."


brian campbell said...

Thanks Biby,

I'm glad this encourages you! Keep seeking the Lord and living for him in India. I am praying for you!
