Saturday, July 7, 2007

I want to be like Moses.

i'm making plans to waste my life on you.
i'm making plans to waste my life on you.
'cause new york city and hollywood combined
they don't got enough lights to make me change
my mind about you.
- John Mark McMillan

I was reading one of A.W. Tozer's short books last night, and in the middle of it, I was hit with two pages that he wrote. In those two pages, Tozer looked at great men of the faith and the commonalities (or lack thereof) between them. In this short glance, it was clear that almost each of them were as different as any person you may run into on the street. Tozer then asks the questions: what made them, then, great men of God?

The answer is that each one of these hungered and thirsted for the presence of the Lord, and they did something about it. Each one was open to recieving the Lord in His fullness, and they wanted only more of Christ, all of Him. Each one lived with the manifestation of the Almighty God in their lives to the fullest. Moses sought the presence of the Lord and he found it, to the point that his skin was physically changed by the presence of the Almighty. He was so close to the Lord that his very being was altered.

So often we stand outside of the holiest of holies, refusing to enter out of laziness, fear, or other things. How many of us take God at His offer of drawing near to Him, and He will draw near to us? What would that truly look like? Do we stop when we begin to change? Do we not press on into Him?

I will press on into the Lord. D.L. Moody once wrote "The world has yet to see what God can do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him. I will try my utmost to be that man." I'm going to try too.

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